
Summertime and the Living is Easy...

Ah, the summer holidays are upon us. It’s that time of the year where laziness finds respectability. Anyone working in a school will be ready to fall off the end of term cliff after climbing a very steep slope, whilst parents will be anticipating the eight weeks with mixed feelings. For those who work, how to sort out the weeks of childcare; for those who are able to do the childcare, enjoy the freedom to step off the term time treadmill. Either way, the thought of longer days, lighter and warm evenings in the garden and more opportunity to spend time outside enables all routines to be relaxed and family time is wholeheartedly cherished by all. Everyone loves this time of year for these reasons but I've been thinking about how we use this time productively and for the benefit of everyone - child, parent and school. As a school, we have relaxed our homework expectations during holiday periods but should your child really do nothing for eight weeks?! Some down time is essential...